Current Painting & SculptureCurrent work includes an on-going series of major paintings and sculpture influenced by the poetry and plays of Fredrico Garcia Lorca.
Then in 2015 inspired by the 100th anniversary of the start of the Dada art movement, and by the opportunity to celebrate this with an exhibition at the Shoalhaven Regional Art Gallery I started a series of fun, small ceramic sculptures and collages. The series goes under the banner of "Fetish", as in the small dolls or objects a shaman or "witchdoctor" might employ; an inanimate object, regarded with awe as the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit. Some are/will also be a visual pun on the other meanings of the word 2 any object of blind reverence or 3 obsession or fixation, usually expressed in ritualistic behaviour. The aim is to make 100 works and currently am about half way there. Details of the works are on the following pages ( click on the highlighted word/s ) : - Fredrico Garcia Lorca - Painting & Sculpture and slideshow - Fredrico Garcia Lorca - Gallery - Fredrico Garcia Lorca - price & availability - Fetish Gallery - F1 to F25 - Fetish Gallery - F26 to F50 - Fetish Gallery - F51 to F75 - Fetish Gallery - F76 to F 100 - Fetish - price & availability |